Timeline to digitalize a simple government procedure
This estimate assumes a full buy-in by all partners, availability of resources and readiness of all government staff.
With our easy-to-use apps civil servants can quickly build online public-facing services, with no IT assistance, so their governments can deliver on and mobilise funding into climate, jobs, environment, health and food and other SDGs. Here are some services being built right now.
Fighting climate change
Digital carbon registry and GHG emissions calculator to certify companies
Access to medicine
Digital delivery of pharmaceutical and vaccine production permits
Circular economy
Digital register for extended producer responsibility
Economic formalisation
Digital business registry enabling companies to be created online
Tax simplification
Digital accounting software for tax and social security filings
Trade for development
Digital information portals for importers and exporters
About us: Using digital government to deliver public services

The biggest challenge facing governments today is turning policy into action.

Once laws have been drafted, technology should help rather than hinder the ability of governments to deliver on their promises by providing public services quickly and effectively through efficient and paper-free administrations in areas such as climate, jobs, environment, food and health.

Our ready-to-use cloud-based digital platform has been designed with both civil servants and end users in mind. Civil servants use our intuitive drag-and-drop system to create online public services. They don’t require prior IT knowledge, equipment or expensive project management.

It works for any service in any ministry and is compatible with existing digital IDs and government websites to ensure a seamless user experience.

Find out more…

We help governments use technology to deliver public services quickly and successfully without the need for programmers or new IT equipment (2 minute video)
What digitization using our system means
For governments
  • Governments use technology to deliver policy quickly and easily across all SDG sectors including climate, jobs, food and health
  • Revenue growth from greater use of services with more fees, taxes and social security contributions
  • Civil servants able to design digital services and increase productivity
  • Access to data that can support better policy-making
  • Employee satisfaction as tasks shift from form-filling to client advice and problem solving
For businesses
  • Businesses created and operating permits obtained in hours
  • Digitized administrative processes reduce barriers to investment in the SDGs
  • Greater formalisation of economic activities and access to bank accounts and loans for entrepreneurs
  • Greater predictability for investment and business planning as getting permits become more predictable
For citizens
  • Greater confidence in government delivery as they see change happen faster
  • More women and young people quickly get the documents they need and in digital format
  • More employees brought under social security cover
  • Rural and remote regions connected to government services
  • More young people opening businesses
Examples of impact from past projects
Digital Single Window
Business registration
Two hours to start a business, a world record.
48% of entrepreneurs under 30, one third women and 50% outside capital.
Boosts MSMEs
Number of business registrations doubled within two years
Digital Single Window
Business registration
Less than a minute to register a sole-trader business
Civil servants able to add new procedures themselves
Gender Impact
52% of registered businesses owned by women
Digital single window - only operates from Estonia
Data protection inspectorate
Connects with existing X-road and ID card systems
New procedures added with no prior IT knowledge
Plans to deploy platform across other government agencies
Digital single window
Business registration
New companies created every year doubled
Socially inclusive
Employees registering for social security +25%
56% of online applicants for Covid business assistance are women.
Digital single window
Business registration
From 35 steps to 5 steps
Online business registrations increased 5x within a year
Political support
Based on success, government plans to expand to 14 provinces and 50 services
Digital single window
Business registration
Boosts MSMEs
25,000 new businesses registered in 3 pilot provinces.
Documents required for submission cut by 70%
Time to get authorizations cut by 80%
Digital Single Window
Business registration
Revenue generating
Immediate increase in fee revenue for government
Productivity boosting
Officials report less time filling forms, more time advising users
Political support
Government to roll out system for all business licensing needs
Trade information portal
Import, export and transit
Widely used
10,000 visitors a month.
Covers 1,000 export and import procedures.
Cuts SME export bill
Steps and time halved to register coffee consignments, costs cut by $230.
Step-by-step information portal
Business registration
Steps to set up a company reduced by a third and documents cut 20%
Political support
Portal is being upgraded to a digital single window
Fully virtual installation
Installed in midst of Covid and civil war
Why it matters

We make our platform available to national, provincial and municipal authorities through a perpetual user license and training at our Digital Government Academy (in cooperation with UNITAR).

As part of the training course we start with one service, examining the related laws, regulations and existing procedures.

From there we use a drag-and-drop interface to build the first online service. The platform creates the necessary databases and user interface, and connects with existing government services and login systems.

With the knowledge and experience gained, civil servants can train their colleagues and add further services at no extra cost. They can also modify services at any time to act on user feedback or changes in laws.

Our approach
We help governments replace complex paper-based procedures involving multiple government offices with our simple online platform accessible from any device. More citizens and businesses get the services and authorizations they need anytime, anywhere.
We train government staff to see procedures from the user's perspective, simplify them, place them on our no-code online platform and train their colleagues to do the same so their governments progressively go fully digital.

Platform development partner
Financial implementation partners