Timeline to digitalize a simple government procedure

About us: Using digital government to deliver public services
The biggest challenge facing governments today is turning policy into action.
Once laws have been drafted, technology should help rather than hinder the ability of governments to deliver on their promises by providing public services quickly and effectively through efficient and paper-free administrations in areas such as climate, jobs, environment, food and health.
Our ready-to-use cloud-based digital platform has been designed with both civil servants and end users in mind. Civil servants use our intuitive drag-and-drop system to create online public services. They don’t require prior IT knowledge, equipment or expensive project management.
It works for any service in any ministry and is compatible with existing digital IDs and government websites to ensure a seamless user experience.
What digitization using our system means
For governments
- Governments use technology to deliver policy quickly and easily across all SDG sectors including climate, jobs, food and health
- Revenue growth from greater use of services with more fees, taxes and social security contributions
- Civil servants able to design digital services and increase productivity
- Access to data that can support better policy-making
- Employee satisfaction as tasks shift from form-filling to client advice and problem solving
For businesses
- Businesses created and operating permits obtained in hours
- Digitized administrative processes reduce barriers to investment in the SDGs
- Greater formalisation of economic activities and access to bank accounts and loans for entrepreneurs
- Greater predictability for investment and business planning as getting permits become more predictable
For citizens
- Greater confidence in government delivery as they see change happen faster
- More women and young people quickly get the documents they need and in digital format
- More employees brought under social security cover
- Rural and remote regions connected to government services
- More young people opening businesses
Examples of impact from past projects
Why it matters
We make our platform available to national, provincial and municipal authorities through a perpetual user license and training at our Digital Government Academy (in cooperation with UNITAR).
As part of the training course we start with one service, examining the related laws, regulations and existing procedures.
From there we use a drag-and-drop interface to build the first online service. The platform creates the necessary databases and user interface, and connects with existing government services and login systems.
With the knowledge and experience gained, civil servants can train their colleagues and add further services at no extra cost. They can also modify services at any time to act on user feedback or changes in laws.